Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Week 4: Lima

Erin and Christina in the historic Barranco
neighborhood, the artistic center of Lima.

Erin catches a ride during a break from the bike tour.

We are spending just two days in Lima before we head off on Incan adventure. We decided to make the most of our time here through taking a bike tour of the city. Bike tours are a great way to cover a lot of ground in a short amount of time.

On this tour, we were able to tour the several of of the city's famous landmarks while visiting multiple neighborhoods and to catch a bit of horseback riding, kind of...

Lima is a gorgeous city, right on the water. The people we've met have been very friendly and helpful, and the food is absolutely top notch- ceviche for everyone!

Tomorrow we fly to Cusco, a famous mountain city which is home to a lot of Incan architecture and giant chocle (corn). From there, we depart for our 5 day hike through the mountains and jungles towards the pinnacle of Incan ruins: Machu Picchu!

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