Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Week 4: Cusco

After some serious tussling with Star Peru (my vote for world's worst airline), we arrived in Cusco, nestled in the Andes Mountains. With its elevation at nearly 11,000 feet, we arrive here several days before our trek to acclimate to the environment.

Cusco is a lively city full of Incan traditions... and tourists. As the gateway city to Machu Picchu, most visitors begin their trip here. The food ranges from the very traditional (guinea pig, anyone?) to various interpretations of 'pizza.' The city itself is a mix of Spanish and Incan architecture, and the clothes and food is differ from Lima. There is a marked contrast in the regional cultures.

Tonight, we met our fellow hikers at an orientation meeting. Together, we are ten: six Americans (amongst them your dos maestras), three Canadian students, and a Danish nurse. Our guide, Ernesto, prepared us for our journey, warning us to take warm clothing as we will be sleeping in sub-freezing temperatures.

We are filling our packs with canteens, boots and blister patches; even though the van is coming to pick us up at 5:00 tomorrow morning, the anticipation wards off sleep.

Photo: Christina and Erin in Plaza de las Armas, Cusco, Peru

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