Monday, June 21, 2010

T Minus One Week

Hello All,

T Minus One Week until our journey begins! My left arm is a little achy as I type from my Hepatitis booster shot I got earlier today. Don't worry- this will in no way affect my ability to make 70 new to-do lists within the next two days.

Stopped by Uncle Dan's Outdoor store earlier today to pick up some gear for the big hike in Peru. I met a really nice employee named Rock (The Rock? Rock of Love? No surname on the name tag) who completed the same hike in April, and he only had wonderful things to say. Two backpacks, an overpriced undershirt and four different kinds of bug repellent later, I am starting to get excited!

This blog will be our primary way of communicating with our friends, family and school communities during our travels, since I have not yet figured out how to work Twitter (which you think if Lindsay Lohan can manage it, I should be able to)...


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